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Drawing of Riquewihr Riquewihr, in the heart of the vineyard of Alsace, is certainly one of the most sumptuous villages of France ! Million tourists runs each year from the whole world to discover its magic, its treasures, its history and its culture. Located between Ribeauvillé and Colmar, Riquewihr belongs to the very importants villages of Alsace. Located at 295 meters of altitude, a surface of 1704 hectares and in spite of a weak population (1128 inhabitants), there is a lot of things to do in Riquewihr: to visit its museums, to walk in its forest, to visit the old city, to discover its gastronomy, its hotels, rooms and quality apartments ... As of many activities that are proposed to you according to seasons.

Some history : Riquewihr, chief town pertaining to a seigniory, was strengthened in 1291 by the lords of Horbourg (they made a city of it also). It is into 1324 that Horbourg sold, little before their "exctinction", all their goods (like Riquewihr) to the Counts of Wurtemberg. The village remained with the hands of the Counts, then Dukes of Wurtemberg until 1793. Blazon of Riquewihr:  the wood of stags are the heritage of the Counts and Ducs of Wurtemberg.  The star comes from the blazon of Horbourg. The armorial bearings of the latter are omnipresent in Riquewihr. In 1525, then wearied to undergo the maltraitances Dukes, the inhabitants and the farmers revolted. In 1534, the Calvinism (doctrines of Calvin was introduced still present into certain civilizations: justification by the faith, exclusive authority of the Writing) or the "Zwingli" (Ulrich Zwingli, Protestant priest having made of Zurich a city reformed according to the Scriptures) and little after Lutheranisme in 1559 (assertions of Luther: sovereign authority of the Bible, hello by the grace (and its corollary, the justification by the faith), universal priesthood of believing). In XVI century and the beginning of the XVII century, it was the apogee of the city, enriched by the sale of its considered wines, but the Thirty year war put an end to this proseprity. After its fastening in France in 1796 by the Treaty of Paris, Riquewihr made new great strides with the XIX century. Since the 20th century, Riquewihr is currently one of the most touristic villages of France.

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