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Gites in Alsace - Apartments to rent
in Riquewihr
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2nd Apartment
4th Apartment
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Cour Renaissance
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Last update 09/03/2025.

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Commercial Gallery

At the same address, in the court of the house, is there a splendid commercial gallery : The Cour Renaissance.
You will discover there the interior of our typical house of Riquewihr with the Wine trail painted on a 15 meters length wall on more than 4 meters in height and three shops which propose memories, gifts, and wines to you, products resulting from the soil and craft industry.

The Commercial Gallery. The Commercial Gallery.

Here are some photographs of the original fresco of the Court Rebirth, a representationunique in the world of Alsace View from the sky by an international artist : David Bonfils whom you can admire the website on www.wayofspray.com.

The Fresco of the Wine trail of Alsace. The Fresco of the Wine trail of Alsace. The Fresco of the Wine trail of Alsace. The Fresco of the Wine trail of Alsace.
Click on a picture to enlarge it.

The shops of the Cour Renaissance :

L'Air Du Temps

L'Air Du Temps
Personalized Impressions on textile, gifts, souvenirs.
website : www.lairdutemps.com

Colors of Alsace

Couleurs d'Alsace
Paintings on wood and metal, decorative objects, craft industry of art, gifts.

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